
Aaron - 2007-07-25 14:59:34
How long will you be in whatever place you choose? What's important to you? Being able to buy clothes, go out to eat, movies, etc.? Or can you forgo those things so long as your home is nice? Do you want to start saving, perhaps even begin a retirement fund (never too soon) or do you think you can live a bit closer to the bone? If it were me, I'd go with the nicer place, especially given how sketchy Toronto apartments can be! I'm very attuned to space and can't be comfortable if the space is lousy. (As in literally lousy, as in full of lice.) A very good friend of mine is perfectly comfortable in a run down place and, as a result, she has loads of extra money know...drugs.
foundmercy - 2007-07-25 15:58:17
Found you thru Barmaidblog and got curious, and since you asked my opnion I humbly oblige: I belive it better to get the cheapest apartment possible and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Once you have enough savings built up to afford any minor earthly disaster, then you have got reason to consider upping your lifestyle a tinge. Google Dave Ramsey; he's a bit extreme but his way of thinking about finances has shaped many of my own beliefs about money. =)
Moi - 2007-07-25 16:02:36
well put. I suppose I should have mentioned that I have some savings put aside and am lucky enough that my parents have offered to kick in to help with rent in exchange for working for them at their business.
joie - 2007-07-25 16:33:13
At first thought, I would say take the cheaper of the two, but that's just I am terrible at sticking to a budget and limiting my fun time funds. But hey, if you can get extra mula coming in working for the folks, go with the nicer.

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