
No sex in the champagne room

Where to start about last night?

It was a friend from work's birthday so plans were made to go out for dinner. Vanessa and I were going to meet up ahead of time around 1230 to go to lunch but she was on phillipina time so it was 2 before we actually had lunch.

We had lunch and met up with Sara and headed down yonge stopping at the dollar store, starbucks, the custom t-shirt store (your mom!) and other assorted stores to amass gifts for Mark's birthday as well as Wilson's impending birthday in case he showed up.

We went to a Tibetan restaurant which was yummy (although a challenge, tomato wise) and then headed out to drop off a friend who had to work the night shift. Sara has only recently arrived from Serbia or somewhere so she wanted to see "something she'd never seen before"...we took her to the gay village. Not much was going on,sadly, but the decision was made to find a bingo parlor.

We were certain of the location of one in Scarberia so we headed out, Mark driving, and found a parlor but they were half way through a round (or something) so we had an hour to kill. Of course we thought....strip club.

As an aside, at this point I slammed Sara's hand in the van door. This is the second time in my life I've done this to someone. I'm a moron.

So we headed to the strip club. There was cover ($3) but we decided it was worth it. As we were walking in a really pretty girl walked ahead of us, we said "she must be a stripper". She was.

It was definately interesting...I've seen strip tease and it's very much like that, only this club was definately lower rent. Some girls were not attractive. Some were attractive. The girl who walked in with us (named "Sin"...actual name Emily) was the prettiest (we were drunk, and therefore told her so) and we bought Mark a lap dance. An awesome use for $30. All night he kept saying "her skin was so soft". It was hilarious.

We left around midnight when an especially unattractive girl came on stage and I got home around 1.

It was hilariously awesome and random.

Also, I need to switch this whole blog over to blogger. Anyone have any easy way to move the archives?

moi at 10:10 p.m.

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