Additional Players in our Litte Game

Well, let's just pick up where we left off, shall we?

I neglected to mention a few key players in our little game of resort fun, so let's do that now.

Louise-An older lady (40s maybe) who usually works the later shifts. Has been working at the resort for about 5 years. Recently moved into a condo with her boyfriend. Lives about 50 minutes away from work. Often gets caught for speeding. Subtely manipulates her guest bookings so that she ups her comission

Krista-An early 30s gal with 3 kids, an asshat ex-husband with whom she was entangled from ages 15 to 29, a failed relationship with one of the maintenance workers at the resort which has resulted in law suits over their house and a rather tense work environment. She has a perm. It doesn't work for her.

Other minor players will emerge as time goes on.

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