
It's Difficult To Be On Call Without A Phone

Today I arrived at work and wasn't even able to punch in before I had to answer the phone and deal with some people.
I apperently forgot to refund someone's balance when they cancelled a reservation earlier this month...oops!
Oh, and I've sorted out the Louise issue. Not quite as sinister as I thought:
Louise is notorious for not getting all of the required information when she takes a reservation and so the managers told her that she wouldnt get her commission if her folios weren't complete, which makes sense because she does it habitually.
The way the comissions work is that if you put something on hold for someone and they call back later to confirm then you still get the comission for "starting" the reservation.
If the person who answers the phone doesn't get the address from the guest then it appears as though the folio was incomplete and theoretically the clerk then wouldn't get their comission. Im not sure if the "no address, no money" applies to everyone or just to Louise though.
Additionally, you can look up in the folio what is called a "change list" that shows all of the actions taken on the account so you could definately trace who confirmed the reservation and if they entered any information into the address field or not.
So now she is saying to get the address when you initially take the hold incase whoever confirms it doesn't and therefore screws you out of your commission.
But she is the only one who doesn't get addresses and you can totally check!!
Lucy says that Louise has been trying to blame it on the people confirming the reservations but thats BS because you could track it through the change list.
Honestly, Im looking at commissions as 100% bonus at this point as apperently no one knows when we actually get the cheque with the comission on it and there is no way for us to actually figure out how much we should be getting.

Around 730 Johnny came into the front office because Krista had some mail she had to give him from the house that they both used to live in and now she and her 3 kids live in while he still pays half of the mortgage. This did not put her in a good mood and resulted in Johnny leaving at 7:50 when he was supposed to be in until 8. Mere moments after he left we discovered that the fridge in one of the guest rooms wasn't working and another room's bathroom door wasn't closing properly. I called the on-call cell phone only to discover that it was out of service, which didn't make sense at all. It was out of service, ultimately, because it was still in its charger on the desk! Very frustrating.
We think Johnny was supposed to be on call but we aren't sure so we just offered the guests in those rooms another room if it was a big problem and left it at that.

As I was leaving a guy called and asked if we had rooms available for the night. We only had cottage because we had offered the 2 defective room guests the option of moving and so I told him we only had cottages. He asked what we had "in the way of romance", I told him "Dude, you need to plan romance!" He replied "I am, right now! We're pulling off the highway, see ya in 45!"

moi at 11:16 a.m.

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