
one of those days

Today was pretty bad. One of those days where things start off on the wrong foot and then just seem to go downhill from there. Any isolated incident from the day wouldn't be enough to make your day bad, but when all put together they spell disaster.

It started off with a problem with the group that I checked in (the family reuinion) on Monday.
I treated it as a group but it was really only a quasi group and each room was responsable for their own incidentals, which wasn't in the notes section of their folios but became a problem when someone wanted to make a long distance call and their long distance was blocked because they didn't have a credit card on their room.

Additionally I confirmed a reservation for Louise but the lady also booked an additional room and I started a new reservation instead of going through the incredably complicated cloning process and Louise got pissed because that meant she didn't get the commission so she changed it all in the computer.

I also gave the wrong directions to a family who checked in and got them totally lost and then they didn't like the room anyway so they ended up moving again.

And I had a few horrible calls that thankfully weren't mystery shoppers.

Also there was a dispute with the restaurant and a bonfire setting that was on a group agenda but that the manager hadn't told the staff about....etc etc

I'll add more when I remember what else went wrong. :s

moi at 11:23 a.m.

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