
Little Miss Day Pass

I've made about 90$ in commissions and it's only 5:40 pm.
I like this job.
No great hubub yet today but the shift is young.
The computers in the front office are riddled with viruses and a guest who was VERY passionate about virus protection came in to lecture us about it.
A lady who looked like one of the characters from a "Little Miss" book came in and asked if there was a day fee for using the pool. Apperently we don't let people do that even though there's nothing stopping them from just going in. The resort doesn't sell day passes for the facilities. Not that it comes up alot, im sure, but really, when it does, its an easy way to make 5$ a head or even to just spread some goodwill for the resort in the community by just letting them go in for 10 minutes, they were here for dinner anyway.
I think this is a good answer to the "what are your weaknesses" question in my next interview. I am overly concerned with being nice to people and not concerned enough with the bottom line. Then again, if we did have day passes for sale, I would have sold them one.

moi at 11:12 a.m.

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