
cheques in the mail, also sketchy

The last few nights have been absolutely dead.
Like mind-numbing boredome city!

I spent a good portion of tuesday night counting up my sunday reservations (about 25) so that means that I'll at least get about 100$ in commission for august.

My next pay cheque doesn't come out until after I stop working at the resort so I am going to have to wait for them to mail it to me, which is a big pain.
According to office gossip, they can't have direct deposit because they bounced too many deposits. sketchy.

Guests are being very weird these days, as in: not paying attention when we explain something and then asking a question to which the answer is the information that we have just told them, not being able to figure out where their rooms are, not paying attention when we tell them how much things cost, etc etc.

It is interesting how the total lack of training and policy manuals leads to us looking incompetant (interesting, not exactly suprising). For example: I was told that all long weekends are a 3 night minimum stay. Apperently this only applies to summer weekends, which, since I'm only working in the summer, I suppose is the same thing, but with people calling now for thanksgiving I really don't know what to tell them. (sorry about the excessive commas there!)

I have, at maximum, 3 more shifts before I'm done. I work 8-4 on friday, which will be good because there are a minimal amount of check outs and some annoying check ins, for which I will not be entirely present.

The crazy hair muffin lady hasn't brought anything since the freezies.

moi at 11:08 a.m.

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