
you're paying to be there, pay attention!

well the summer is over and with it my adventures at resort x.

The last day of my employment was the worst check out of the summer but I basically just kept reminding myself that I am only enforcing policy, I don't make the policy.

Please, people, for the love of God, READ THINGS YOU SIGN!!

that being said, my blog is now going to morph into a description of life in Toronto, going to school for hotel management and stuff like that, though I am sure there will be some fun resort stories as I remember them.

Today was the first day of school and my risk management and hospitality class was...painful. The prof is really good, its just that the class seems to take forever (it's also 3 hours long) and the the people in the class (almost 60 of them, apperently) will not shut up!

I'm going to see tomorrow about moving in to the morning section so that my tuesdays are done before 11 and I can beat rush hour home.

That's about it...I'm a horrible packer and equally as horrible at unpacking so setting up my room is moving at the pace of a glacier.

moi at 7:48 p.m.

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