
Alot of classes don't make me classy...sadly

Well I finished my first week (or 4 days I suppose) at school in my (hopefully) final year of post-secondary education. At least for now.

My classes:

Monday- Human Resources Management- So far seems like it is going to be mostly ok. Involves a medium sized assignment which has us writing a plan to hire someone for a pre-exsisting job posting that it "isn't recomended" we find on the internet, but the prof then said in the next sentence that a)the internet is now the most prominant way to find people when you're hiring and b)that we probably won't find what we need anywhere except on the internet.
So...the internet it is. Also, the prof's name is one of the girl names only he's a guy (Kelly, for example) which is slightly confusing.

Tuesday- Risk Management and Hospitality Law- Painful, as previously alluded to. I successfully swaped my spot in the afternoon class of 60 people for a spot in the 8am class of 45, to which I predict people will basically never show up, so that's good. So far it doesn't look like this one is going to have any group work, which is also exciting.

Wednesday- HR Management again- Marketing and Sales in Tourism
Marketing is taught by a prof that I actually really like, which is always good. And I'm pretty sure that he actually appreciates that I work hard to get the marks I get (sort of) and don't just sort of stumble in to them. Also that I'm sort of annoying in class sometimes but also that it isn't to cover up the fact that I don't know my stuff. There will be some mucho annoying parts of this course, aka giving out surveys to people at the restaurant on campus as well as a group project where we do market research for a local business which also involves handing out surveys. I totally understand the theory behind why we are doing this, and learning to conduct market research is a useful thing to learn, but it's not really my cup of tea.

Thursday-Revenue Management-Starting your own Business
Rev Mgmnt-Taught by my old accounting teacher who said over and over that there wouldn't be any accounting in the course. I knew he was fibbing. Apperently, no one else did. It should be pretty interesting though, I'm excited to learn about it. I'm a big nerd.
Starting your own business-Taught by a guy who told us about the restaurant that he ran for 5 years in a story that took almost that long. One of those profs who seems to have good examples for stuff but really they come straight out of the text book. There is an assignment or test every week. The assignment is actually pretty cool, we are writing a business plan step by step for a made up business. I'm thinking of doing a used book store but I'm not sure if it is supposed to be hospitality related or not.

Friday-Sales again- Event Planning
Ah...event planning. Taught by a prof who is at least interesting but I sort of suspect that he has a problem with me, I'm not sure why. I think I made a smart ass comment waaaay back in the bartending class that he taught and he is still on edge about it.
We are in groups of 15 and have to put on a fundraising event which will be interesting. I proposed head shaving for cancer and was warmly recieved but people are going to continue to brain storm over the weekend. It was suggested that people are bored of cancer fundraising because of the Terry F0x run and such going on in sept and october. So we'll see about that one. I want to push to get it done sooner rather than later because there are 7 groups who are going to be holding events and my money is on all of them doing it in the last week of november.

So that's the class line up. There is also the possibility of doing next semester in France but I don't think that is going to happen. I'm going to stay in toronto, hang out with roomie and see how things go. I put my resume in at a big hotel here in Toronto and am hoping to hear from them because apperently they are dying for staff but I havn't gotten my hopes up too far.

Have spent the weekend half-assedly unpacking my room and watching sports.

moi at 2:59 p.m.

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