
fashion before comfort

Not much is really going on, hence the lack of updates.
Classes are going along, our group has settled on the beach party so as soon as that gets approved and we get club status so that we can book the bar we can really start to actually get things done.
I continue to bargain with roomie and con her into doing my laundry.
Had I only known this last year! Man, I hate doing laundry.

so we got an assignment back today in my special events class. And while I put marginally more effort into it than I usually would for things in college (read:not a heck of alot) I got it back with a mark of 13.74 out of 15. Now, I'm not saying that I'm not happy with that, it's roughly an 88%. It just irked me that the same amount of effort last year would have gotten me a 95%. Though, it turned out that the prof added wrong and I really had a 14. I felt badly asking him to adjust the mark, feeling for some reason that my .25 was less valid than that of someone who was on the verge of failing or who wanted to be bumped from a 73 to a 75 or something. There is the perecption that anything over 80% and you should be happy with it because 80% is what you need for honours and there is no way that anyone will ever know how much over 80% that you got anyway. As my cousin says "C's get degrees".

In other academic news, my business plan assignment for an airport hotel in the Hammer is moving along, fake partnership and everything. I totally made up a good portion of a marketing assignment so hopefully the prof doesn't call resort X to verify that their long term goals really do consist of exterior renovations and increasing offseason revenues.

Went out for dinner with roomie and wore my doc martens that I bought when we were in england for rugby in first year. I have never been able to find the right sock/bandage combination to avoid getting blisters on the back of my ankle when I wear them but I continue to try because they are just so cool. 8 hole dark navy boots with union jacks on the toe.*le sigh

In other news, I have only minimal homework this weekend and only minimal Ikea. yay!

oh, and if you don't watch the amazing race, you need to start.

moi at 10:08 p.m.

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