
I looked nice today but there were no homeless people to hit on me

and we're back!

So we left off the third, which means it was Friday.

Saturday I spent all day at the royal winter fair with my mom. Saturday night she took us out to a hilarious but disasterous dinner and grocery shopping avec car. ah, the simple pleasures in life.

Sunday I woke up late and decided that I needed to shop. I have my eye on a Kate Spade bag (don't say it!) and decided to truck up to holt's to see if they had it.

Logged on to check email and saw meghan online and made plans to see Death of a President at 4:20, which meant I had about 5 hours of walking around and shopping to do. Which is exactly what I wanted.

Walked up to holt's but they didn't have my bag :( Mom has assured me that she will attempt to source it for christmas. Went to the gap and basically sold a woman working there my coat (which was from the GAP...well, convinced her to buy it for herself) and scored 4 shirts at $10 each. They got me compliments today :)

Went to the body shop and bought new lip stuff, sparkles and a super cute little make up bag. I'm not sure when I went girlie, but it appears to be well underway.

Also went to chapters and convinced a lady to descend into the bowels of the store to fetch my paperback. I'm writing a thankyou note tonight.

I also discovered a gap in my bag inventory which I have known about for a while but has only recently been bothering me...the small backpack. Not a "mini-circa 1994" style backpack, but a scaled down version of a real back pack. I saw a northface one when I was out shopping and for some reason (ok, the price of $60 was the reason) I didn't buy it. Would have been perfect for my solo expedition to the royal on Tuesday.

Today (monday) got up and went in to school to sit in the lab. I have become the queen of double booking, the only way I could possibly scam more double time would be to either fly back time zones or somehow pull a hollywood three way with my peer tutoring time sheet.

***************explanation break***************
A hollywood three way is where 2 people go to dinner and both pay half of the bill but each seperately take a copy back to their companies and claim the entire amount on their expense account. Don't say I never taught you anything.
*************end of break*************************

A few minutes after I got to the lab a girl came up to me and asked for Kate (which is me). She had been sent up by the peer tutoring office for help with basic (big time basic) computer help for a culinary course. So I taught her how to import pictures into word for 45 minutes.

I then peer tutored accounting with this girl from angola who, I hope, will end up passing her course. It's just difficult when everything builds on something else and she can't do basic BEDMAS style math.

Then I went to class and got my assignment back..which I had heard horror stories about but I ended up with an 88, which was the highest mark in a class with an average of 67, which the prof was actually impressed with.

I also found out that this really pretty girl in my class who I like alot is gunning for the same internships as me and had heard that I was finalizing my choices on sunday so she did hers super late on sunday, so I did mine at like 330pm monday.

After class I met with my Taiwanese girl, who is doing mock interviews for her class this week. She better rock it or I'm going to be peeved. That girl knows her shit. Handshake? check. Eye contact? check. Stop saying "like" when you mean "for example"? check.

Then I peer tutored a guy who is actually in one of my classes...which I'm really not supposed to do but somehow the prof has convinced them to let it happen, I think that they are just calling it ESL tutoring. It's interesting, he has been in Canada from Korea for 2 years now and his english is...pretty bad. My taiwanese girl has been here for 3 months and her english has improved SO much.

I then finalized my intership choices and headed out for the bus.

I'm home now, the apartment smells really good (roomie is making dinner :) ) and tomorrow I'm waking up naturally and heading out to the royal for the day.

I havn't started my assignment that's due Thursday...and I don't much care. Though, it does involve sketching, never my strong point.

Still reading: Jennifer Government, but also "Born in Death", the new JD Robb

Listening to: The Pixies "Where is my Mind?"

moi at 6:03 p.m.

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