
marketing by refusing to sell any products

I think my last entry took me up to....
Hallowe'en, which, when you live in the gay village, is every holiday rolled into one. They bus in tourists and people use it as something to do when they solicit companionship on craigslist.

Wednesday was fine, as far as I can remember...my taiwanese peer tutoring girl didn't show up (time confusion issue) and I bombed (ok...77%) my marketing test. Which pretty much means I can't get a 90 in the course, which is annoying because I really like the prof. But, we'll see, there is another test and a group projet left so you never know.

Yesterday I had revenue management (got my project back, which was worth 10%, the results were unremarkable) and starting your own business (where I actually put effort into the assignment and got a decent mark of 91%). The results in SYOB will not, I fear, be the same this week, where I abandoned my tactic of "overwhelm them with information and documentation".

Between classes I once again pimped myself out to the first years, telling them that they needed a peer tutor. We'll see if any of them e-mail me.

After SYOB I went to a presentation about the fairmont SW3P (that's an E) program, which would see me in either banff, jasper or lake louise this summer and potentially afterwards. We'll see. There is something very appealing to me right now about having minimal possessions and working within a company who is very clear about what they want from people. In contrast to school, that is.

Then I met with my student learner (tutee) and did a mock interview, which went really well. That ended at around 530, then I headed home.

On the way home I stopped at the library to pick up some holds that had come in and which turned out to be HUGE hardcovers, not the paperbacks I had been anticipating. So huge, infact, that I don't think I could bring them to school to read on the subway so it looks like I'm going to start reading at home again. I got schwarma for dinner and did laundry and made banana bread (no nuts this time).

I collapsed into bed at 11pm and was unconscious until 630am.

Today I headed to school around 715 (fricking freezing outside but by the time I get to school I have to cart around a sweater and a coat, such a pain). Had marketing (now refered to as sales, it's a split course) where I got my test back (thumbs down) but managed to score myself a good group for my project.

Between classes I worked HARDCORE on homework for events class which I thought wouldn't take as long as I ended up wanting to spend on it, if that makes any sense. We had to do a menu plan for a 4 day conference with pricing and stuff, it was actually fun deciding what to serve. Reminded me of my summer at resort X where what the groups ate for lunch was decided by the events girl asking what we wanted to eat on that particular day.

I'm now in the computer lab, killing time until 3pm when I meet with a new "student learner" to discuss why she sucks so much in accounting. That should last until 4 and then I'm heading home, or maybe meeting roomie somewhere for dinner, or maybe going home and making plans with roomie to go out. So many possibilities.

Currenty reading: Jennifer Government by Max Barry - futuristic sci-fi humour. It's very good so far, it's about a time when everything is commericalized. I just finished a part where this girl was dying and one of the main characters was on the phone with 911 and they wouldn't send an ambulance until he gave them his credit card. Kind of freaky in a "I can see society doing that" kind of way.

Currently hearing: The boys in the computers facing mine speaking what I can only assume is an idian dialect while gesturing wildly towards their computers.

Currently smelling: Aforementioned boys.

moi at 1:58 p.m.

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