
If they know I have a blog, are they fair game?

I was sadened by the lack of comments wishing me good heath. Sigh. (sarcasm, for sure)

So here is the problem. I equate how many people visit my blog to (somehow) a highschool mentality of how popular I am, or how interesting I am or how worthy of adoration I am (clearly that last one is a given). So, I tend to tell alot of people about my blog, post the url on my facebook page, etc. The problem is that, even though diaryland lets me see the ip addresses of people who visit the page, it isn't an exact science and still isn't helpful in establishing their identity, beyond the fact that if it's my home IP and I've been at school all day I know that roomie is checking in.

So there are things I want to write about but they involve people about whom I have told my blog...wait, that can't be right...people whom I have told about my blog (yes! the minor in english wins again!) in unflattering situations. Or potentially embarassing situations, or other situations that they might not want the world (or an average of 5 people a day) knowing about.

so, if you want more details concerning the events listed below, please e-mail to ask.

-internet meeting last tuesday

-internet first date on saturday (this is the story I am contimplating posting. It's good. Let me know if you want details)

ok, so that said, saturday after I got home from my date (see above) roomie and I went out for asian food at like 11 pm. It was awesome and made me feel very "I live in the city".

I have not yet started my christmas shopping which, with my extreme distaste of crowds, is usually done by Dec 1.

No news yet on the internship.

I am supposed to have a meeting on Wednesday to ask for more money for our beach night event thing but the student society is being super sketchy about telling us when stuff is happening.

I'm a peer tutoring machine.

Death of a President is totally worth the 11$ despite what Rolling Stone says.

I have an Human Resources test on Wednesday for which I have not begun to study (I'm on grammar FIRE today).

On my online time entry for peer tutoring and note taking some of my hours say "approved" and some don't. I don't know how this works at all, but it can't be good. Maybe those are the hours I've been paid for already?

Today I basically had to stand in front of a lynch mob who wanted me to be the class representitive in a disciplinary role play with our HR prof. I proclaimed "shot not!" loudly and often, cementing my position as the nerdiest nerd of them all.

The leafs don't play until like thursday, which makes me sad.

Going home this weekend to an appointment with the tailor to build me a coat...my mother's doing.

I have another half hour here then I'm going to hand in note taking time sheets and head home. Kate Spade was bought by Liz Clayborne. I am sad.

8am till 11am class tomorrow morning might kill me.
The 2 hours of peer tutoring accounting following it certainly will.

Oh, and there is some kind of feature about a notify list, if anyone wants to be added to it to know when I update, just let me know :)

moi at 3:15 p.m.

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