
And now, I want a pony.....!

Yesterday I was struck with what was (though this may not seem to be the case) a rare bout of commercial lust. I literally thought "If I found $300 in the street, I know exactly what I would buy".

-the aforementioned smallish backpack

-a new mp3 player (my ipod mini which I have had since the beginning of October 2004 requires vigorous shaking to make the battery realise that it can last over 45 minutes and it's getting annoying not being able to make it to school and back before it dies)

-the December magazines that will be out next week (not that I wouldn't buy them anyway, but I won't have to feel as guilty about it)

MP3 player wise I am definately open to suggestion, I'm thinking about the Sony E00 series but I think that a trip to the Eaton's Centre would be in order. Sadly, I'm going home this weekend...not that I would want to go on a saturday anyway (eek).

anyway, so shortly after wondering why I didn't have as much money as I thought I should and checking online and discovering a questionable transaction and then looking in my wallet for the atm slip and finding my august commission cheque (!!!!!!!) for $540 and a cheque from my grandma for $25 I was quite the happy camper.

I also had about $14 in rolled coins I could take to the bank, adding to the total. And then today, since everything was coming up Millhouse anyway, I went to check to see if my dental plan refund cheque was in and it was, so that was another $40.

Although, for whatever reason, I have yet to get the backpack...now that I have the money I keep thinking that I should be looking at more options and not just the "discount" bag place in the lower level of the manulife center (where they sell wallets from the same designer as mine for full price)...I sense a trip to the Eaton's centre when I'm done school early next Tuesday, although it would be much more fun to go with roomie.

Last night I fell asleep shortly after 11, woke up at 3, stayed awake till 430 then slept until 6 when I had to get up to go to school. Thumbs down. Made it to the last subway station when my ipod died so I basically just started out the window the whole bus ride. Oh, and one of the windows on the bus kept falling open and the people sitting by it kept slamming it shut but it wouldn't stay closed. And to think, I had only just gotten rid of my toxic fume headache from the overhead projector smoking in my HR class on monday.

Got to school and was offered money to go over the stuff for the test tomorrow with a guy in my class...which of course I did for free, but I'm going in early tomorrow to help a bunch of people out so I'm lacking in motivation to study right now.

Followed a 3 hour law class (no statues this week, sadly) with 2 hours of peer tutoring accounting. I now have 5 students that I tutor with 3 more I need to work into my schedule some how. Thank goodness it's only 4 weeks until the end of the semester, I'll just work my butt off till then and bill a gazillion hours.

I'm supposed to go to a meeting tomorrow about my event funding but the guy who said we had to go to the meeting hasn't told us when it is or where it is or what, and there is no mention of it on the student society website, not that I can find anyway. So that's lame.

I headed home and shook my ipod vigorously on the bus, after which it lasted the whole way home. *le sigh.

After waiting forever in line at the bank (damn coins) I was so tired but also so hungry that I bought a schwarma sandwhich and then seriously doubted that I was going to be able to stay awake long enough to eat it. The diet coke helped, and then I napped for an hour.

And then it's now, and I should be studying for HR tomorrow but I'm really not feeling it.

The apartment smells delightfully of crock pot ribs and my tummy is fizzy from diet coke.

moi at 4:25 p.m.

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