
He ate his cheese fries with a knife and fork :)

HR went fine, we'll see. Although one of the girls in my class was talking to the prof and said that she would just accept an 80, even if she could have gotten a better mark, despite if she had recieved a lower mark (essentially that she was saving the prof the trouble of marking her test by just giving her an 80) but then another classmate said that they wanted something a little higher in the mark department and the prof said "oh, so you want to pull a Kate?"

so that's encouraging.

Yesterday after the test I went to find out when our extra funding meeting was and found out that it was at 6pm at the other end of the city (seeing as we were north and it was all the way south). My co-president had to do something after school so my friend Christine and I went to the meeting.

We got to the other campus at 4ish and hung out drinking coffee based beverages for like 2 hours. I remembered that my friend Buffy goes to that campus so I called her and she ran over and hung out with us for 15 minutes, which was awesome. I hadn't seen her since the summer.

I had previously made plans with this guy who we'll call Connor until I ask him if it's ok if I mention him here, to meet at 6pm at starbucks for a coffee based beverage, but since that's when the meeting was, I had to call and ask if he wanted to postpone or what.

We decided that by the time I was done my meeting and got back to downtown I was going to need food pretty badly, and so to jack up the irony level, we decided to meet at the same location as saturday's incident (ask for details through comments section if desired).

It was 8 by the time the meeting got out and 9 by the time I made it downtown but nachos were procured forthwith and all was well.
Got home around 11 and had a shower and packed my bag for today.

Today was pretty routine, except for a career fair at 330. I spoke to the rep from the Four Seasons as well as the Royal York and gave them resumes so we'll see how it goes.

The four seasons currently has an intern from a not so reputable college so that's kind of interesting. I told them I had applied for the HR internship but should have mentioned that I was interested in rooms division as well if there was something available. Oh well.

I'm home now, have eaten a tuna melt, waiting for the leafs game to start and for a certain someone to call.

Tomorrow, also routine...as far as I can remember.
Dinner date with roomie, location as of yet unknown.

Saturday I'm going back to the home town for some appointments and stuff and then back in the big city on Sunday to do a newsletter (with entirely made up content) and the last of the dreaded Starting Your Own Business assignments.

If you've only just started reading, feel free to say hi :)

moi at 6:53 p.m.

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