
the allure of the dipping sauce

ugh..didn't think it had been that long since I updated. Sorry folks.

Friday roomie and I went to an italian cafe thing in yorkville. My chicken salad with HUGE hunks of goat cheese was very yummy. They messed up roomie's order and then the replacement they brought was undercooked and not saucey. That girl has zero restaurant luck, I swear.

We went to the gap and they didn't have either top I had been looking at, which is probably a good thing really, but dissapointing at the time. Incase anyone is interested, I was looking specifically at their new (red) line stuff. There was a kind of distressed hoodie which was white or offwhite with kind of red on the inside. There was also one of the clever sayings tshirts in white with a v-neck that said
Hamme(red) on it. Made me laugh.

Saturday I went back to hamilton for like 4 hours to go to an appointment, see the mom and dad, pick up a portable phone that they scored us from the cottage etc etc.
Came back to TO on the go train and met up with meghan for leafs game excursion fun. They lost to the devils but it was a good game. There was topless fighting. It was sweet.

Left there and came home and basically collapsed.

Sunday I woke up, as is my custom, at 8am to watch Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, as roomie can't stand the show and she's at work then. Sort of did a bit of my small business project but not really (balance sheets. ugh.) although it was fun because I have to lay out costs for all of my furnishings and equipement so I'm doing everything from ikea.
160 malm dressers...check!

Sunday noonish I met Connor (which I think is going to be his new nic name, actually) at starbucks, which was crazy because it was the Santa Claus parade so half a million people had invaded downtown. We hung out there until like 4, went to buy bacon for dinner and then I went home, stopping at pizza pizza on the way. This would prove to be a horrible horrible mistake.

Turned on the food network and became strangely mesmorized until roomie got home when dinner preparations began.
Sunday's menu:

Chicken with garlic and herb butter
Stuffing with breakfast saucage
Cheesy mashed potatoes
Brocoli and cauliflower salad

Meghan and Heather brought ice cream for dessert. Yummy.

So...some of you may know that I'm allergic to tomatoes. They make me violently ill. Very rarely I will dilude myself into thinking that "this time it might be ok" and that a veggie slice from pizza pizza will be worth it. It isn't. And since you all now know, it is your job to stop me when I think stupid things like that. ok? good. I'm glad we cleared that up.

So instead of talking to connor sunday night, I was super sick and fell asleep hoping not to wake up.

Today I'm peer tutoring deluxe, though one of my accounting tutees cancelled so thats good.

moi at 8:55 a.m.

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