
I almost fell asleep in wine class..and I wasn't even drinking!

Not much new to report. I've been quite sick with a cold but I am hoping that I've turned the corner to wellness lane today. The 6am start didn't help matters at all.

Neither did the creamscicle I had for dinner last night.

School continues to chug along. The 3 and 4 hour class blocks are starting to get annoying.

I wimped out and chose the easiest option for my online simulation course (a pub) instead of the more challenging but more interesting hotel or resort option.

I have an assignment due in careers tomorrow as well as a field trip to a brewery. I was anticipating a tortured night of pounding the keyboard seeing as part A of the assignment took me a good hour when I was 100% but part B took only about 20 minutes.

Pure BS.

No progress yet on the web design idea, I'm lacking any kind of web design program until someone comes through with an illegal copy of something. Hint hint out there! lol.

Right now I'm watching the food network and craving chocolate frozen yogurt which I should have gotten on the way home but I was desperate for a shower and to be able to blow my nose without people looking at me like I'm a leper.

Since that assignment is done, tonight's plans consist of watching the leafs game until I want to fall asleep and then falling asleep.

Tomorrow involves the usual bus/subway to school and then school bus back down to islington station then the tour then school bus back up to school then careers class then bus/subway home. Ugh.

moi at 6:18 p.m.

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