
Heavyset women with chemicals and thick germanic accents

I have a killer headache. I'm drinking the whole brita for dinner. I'm putting in 10 hour days at work to try and get enough hours to be done my internship on March 31st but I always think that some weird technicality will be brought up and it's going to blow up in my face. There are about 10 ways that it wouldn't be the end of the world, but most of them involve working saturdays and I don't know if I'm up to that.

Right now I'm up to very, very little.

Today I taught ESL and computers to the ladies in the uniform room. Our word of the day was "laminate" and we learned how to copy a file to a memory key.

I also chased down some lost and found.

One of the other interns is from the caribean and said that he is constantly suprised how much canadians talk about the weather. It's true. And we can always find something to complain about the weather as well. For example, it couldn't be nicer out today but all I could think was that it's so much colder when I walk to work than when I walk home that I can't find a coat that I can wear both times so I'm either cold in the morning or too hot walking home.

Lunch today at work was awesome pork. I could cut it with my fork, and they didn't even throw tomatoes in just to mock me.

Today was the kind of day where you realised that you had been staring off into space for 5 minutes but when you snapped out of it, it didn't matter because nothing had happened in the meantime.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, my head might explode.

moi at 6:07 p.m.

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