
some people think my middle name is emily...it's really productivity

In the past 2 days I have:

Gotten a manacure - My nails have grown out to epic (for me) proportions but they kept getting snagged on stuff so I went for a bit of a clean up and clear polish. El sketchy styles, $15 on the way home from work on Friday at 1pm (yes, they sent me home early. No, don't get me started)

Done 4 washers worth of laundry- including my red winter/coldish spring day coat, towels, fitted sheet (only sheet), and an ikea shopping bag full of clothes from the past 2 weeks. For someone who wears a uniform every day I sure go through alot of clothes.

Semi-watched the leafs get their patooties handed to them by the capitals - no comment

Gone to the library for roomie and I- paid $9.10 worth of fines and got "The No Asshole Rule" which should prove interesting reading for my (hopefully) managerial future.

Gone to the no-frills at Wellesley and Sherbourne - 930am on a saturday is apperently the time to go. I didn't even have to fight with anyone over the baby-fist sized limes I purchased for roomie at 5/$1.00. I had to get 10 to fulfill what I think will be her zest requirement for the key-lime cheese cake that has been in the works for a few weeks now and has necessitated the borrowing of a spring-form pan from a co-worker and a slight panic attack over curdled juice (it was pulp and just needed a good shake).

Dropped off pants at the dry cleaner- where I was delighted to find out that they can also sew the button back on. I own maybe 4 things that I like enough to go to the trouble of dry cleaning (trouble...walk through park, drop off clothes, pick up on way home from work 4 days later)and these black pin-stripe pants are definately one of those items.

Went to the beer store-I wonder how they decide what beers they sell at the beer store (keith's) and what they sell at the lcbo (strongbow, mort subite). I only went to the beer store, lcbo will probably be tomorrow.

Rented movies-The Bourne Supremacy and Casino Royale. Yes, I've seen them both before. Yes, this puzzles some people. I rented them from the sketchy sketchy rental place at church and wellesley where all the movies are $4 or something weird like that.

Got schawarma-at the "expensive" schawarma place, but spinning meat is amusing. So sue me.

Tomorrow's plans include: starbucks, the bank, the lcbo, st patrick's day parade, amazing race, dinner, the never-ending re-figuring of my internship hours. And now I've stumbled upon a "half mile of hell" marathon on oln. whipee!

moi at 2:34 p.m.

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