
Pay no mind to what they say, it doesn't matter anyway-ay-ay-ay

For the last 2 days I've been punctuating sentences with "you know, since I'm unemployed". Tomorrow, that is going to change to "because, you know, when I have a job I won't have time to"

So, today I woke up, lazed around, went to the gym, dropped off drycleaning, went to the library and nofrills and came home to have lunch.

They are renovating nofrills. This will be interesting. Hopefully they are doing it with an eye towards traffic flow, cuz damn, that's some sucky traffic flow, son.

They were playing the go-gos "our lips are sealed" when I was at the check-out and this jackie-brown style black girl with a huge afro and head to toe lulu-lemon was ahead of me. At the same time we both sang along, looked up and smiled at each other. It was one of those shared history moments with strangers that always sort of make me smile.

I also scored a package of ground beef that weighs as much as my head for like $14.

There was potentially going to be some Connor time this afternoon but he missed his train and is stuck at the bramalea go station, so sadness.

moi at 2:30 p.m.

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