
Rest Elevate Direct pressure!

Minor amounts of crazyness since my last update.

I'm still unemployed, but I've found a job I really want (just have yet to apply) and I've applied for a zillion things so something will work out.

Yesterday I met Connor for dinner, which was actually very grown up (we talked business...and split nachos) and then we went back to his building to do some paperwork for my mom.

Except that as we walked to the elevator I saw this woman lying on the ground, who I thought was laughing really hard. She wasn't, she had fallen and wrecked her ankle and the guy sitting with her was totally useless. So I went into lifeguard mode, had 911 called and sat with her for the 20 minutes it took the ambulance to show up.

Tonight over an impulsive dinner with Heather I was saying "how many times in our lives have we turned around and seen someone with a fake ankle injury lying on the ground"...10 years of swimming lessons worth, that's how many. Anyway, I don't think her ankle was broken but it was definately fucked up. The guy with her hadn't even had someone call 911...I mean, I guess if you have no training in first aid or anything you just kind of...don't know what to do, but honestly! Even Connor thought he was being weird.

I then talked about how if I didn't have a job by the middle of June I want to go back to camp, which is seeming quite feasable at this point.

But I've just found this leadership program that I did as a teenager, but that is actually for entrepreneurs and with which my dad used to be super involved is hiring sales consultants. It would be an awesome job, so I'm going to talk to my dad and see about applying for that.

Today I helped clean Connor's apartment (the bathroom is so clean now!) and had an intense nap in his bed until like 430, came home and by 645 had plans for dinner with Heather. We decided on spring rolls because roomie hates it so I could try it. It was pretty much the same as every other anglo-oriental place around there, but the company of the lovely Heather made it delightful. They have good deep-fried bananas dessert too. yum.

I came home and found the NASCAR race postponed due to rain and fox supplimenting their programing with a COPS marathon. Good times!!

moi at 9:59 p.m.

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