
It's Hip to be on OHIP

So I've started reading a few service industry position blogs.

I've often thought of starting "the hotel blog" or something, but the problem is that the zealousness with which hotels guard their guest information is phenomenally high (though someone at the PH messed up with that whole Yankee/hooker thing). There are so many stories I would love to share but it has bitten me in the ass before and I'd like to keep my job, thank you very much.

Today was busy busy but good. Went to my office/horse barn interview and I think it went well. I lowballed them when they asked me about salary, which I'm now regreting, so when I go back in 2 weeks to meet with the owner I might have to backpedal a bit with that. Anyone have any ballpark figures for the hourly income of an office manager at a horse barn?

I went to Hemmingway's with Heather for lunch (a strange mix of too much service and then slow service) and then we went to Sicko.

Let's put it this way, if I lived in the states, I'd be scared out of my mind. I compared it to "crash" in that when I left the theatre after I saw "crash" I thought "and that's why we have gun control". The concept of paying for a hospital stay just seems so foreign (which it is) but it was interesting to see the look of confusion on Michael Moore's face when people said that their health care didn't actually cost them anything.

It was interesting because to get to my interview today I had to go through one of the nicer hospitals in Toronto (they have valet parking) and thought to myself "not that I'll have any spare time, but I could try and catch me a nice doctor or paramedic....". I have a thing for those pants with the reflecty stripe down the side.

In other news:
Roddick rolls on at Wimbledon, my room is semi-clean and it rained on and off all day today.

I had forgotten how much I like to be around the barn...

moi at 7:05 p.m.

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