
Titular defficiency

A bunch of things have been going on lately. The girl I split my hours with at work has quit so I'm working like 35 hours a week.

Before this started when I was working like 20 hours a week, I e-mailed a local horseback riding stable to see if they had a part time job in their office that I would be suited for. In the time it took them to get back to me, my hours at the hotel went way up. They just got back to me offering a full time job. I'm going to stick with the hotel, but it kind of sucks that I can't have both. Hopefully no one else will take the job and I'll be able to work it with the hotel to work around it...or something.

Yesterday I was supposed to work 5-11 but I ended up being called in to work 3-11. On the way there I needed to UPS my broken power cord (thanks dell!) and discovered that there was a UPS drop box at the holiday inn on king. Honestly, it was in the back area of the relieving docks! I finally ended up getting approached by security about what I was doing back there. It was crazy!

Pride wrapped up,I went to the parade and it was crazy! The news is saying that there were a million people there and I believe it! I was at starbucks and this pregnant lady had to be escorted out the back way because the people on the front stoop wouldn't move to let her through. Crazy people!

A few minor prospects but nothing serious on the new bf front. Also, still apartment hunting.

Also, I'm done work Friday at 11am and am not on Saturday and Sunday so I'm thinking about heading to the cottage, sadly I havn't found anyone to go with yet so it looks like I'm going alone. I'll take the train up (hopefully) and then get picked up by a friend of my mom's and driven over to the cottage (we have an extra car that stays there) or maybe I'll just borrow my nana and papa's car for the weekend since my aunt will be driving them around in her car.

I feel like I'm in limbo these days, just kind of waiting for things to be settled, but I doubt that they are.

moi at 9:04 a.m.

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