
Apartment Hunting

Life has been pretty crazy around here!

The girl with whom I split hours at work has quit so I'm covering a bunch of her shifts over the next 2 weeks because the job she is leaving the hotel for starts basically now.

I think by the time I get a day off I'll have worked 9 days straight. But some of those shifts were only a few hours, so it doesn't really count.

Also, in a bout of "quarterlife crisis" I've decided that I'm going to stay in Toronto another year and a bit and then move somewhere else. I really want to work in a wilderness resort or something so I'm going to get as much experience as I can at the hotel and then move on.
In this vein, I'm looking for an apartment starting October 1 if anyone knows of anything in downtown toronto, preferably within walking distance from King/Spadina.

Yesterday I went for $4 Korean lunch special and then $40 manicure/pedicure. Usually when you go for the "special" manicure/pedicure (this one was a special price between 10am and 1pm, on Yonge between Wellesley and College) they are sort of quickie jobs. This one took like an hour and a half, I finally had to leave before I was totally dry because I had to get to work! I'm totally going back.

Went to starbucks, went to work from 3-11, came home and fought my way through the pride celebrations and fell asleep around 1am.

Woke up a few times from people outside yelling but finally got up at 10. Now I'm going to do the dishes, have some lunch and then leave super early for work so I can wander through the street fair they have set up.

moi at 10:33 a.m.

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