

I've been super busy lately, which is good.

Work, back and forth to Hamilton a few times (the midnight bus is scccccary), etc etc

The woman I worked with last night was surprised that I had been taught all these different posting things and stuff, and that I could figure out things for myself that I had only seen once, so yay. Plus I got to be at the front desk for my shift, which was fun.

Also, it's pride week and it's no where near as crazy as I thought it was going to be, though I think next weekend is the big weekend with the parade and stuff.

I work tonight 6-11 then tomorrow morning 7-12 then I head to Hamilton to go to my aunt's retirement party thing, then back to Toronto.

I looked into getting new lenses for my sunglasses but no one can do it because they are curved weirdly or something so I need to try to get a new pair.

I did my laundry this morning and when I went to fold the clothes were so hot I could barely hold them to fold them up. eek!

I've walked to work a few times now, down yonge to the eaton's centre then through the PATH to metro hall. It's kind of creepy and yesterday there were ruffians skateboarding all through it because the shops were all closed at 7 when I was going through, but it's kind of nice. And cooler than outside, which is hot as balls right now.

moi at 1:10 p.m.

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