
I'm a statistic, but I'm bucking the curve

Well, I've officially become one of those people whose addiction to facebook has bitten them in the ass, as they discover that their recently made ex has someone else.

In other news, I'm in Hamilton helping my mom out with computer stuff and generally being emo, but I'm also watching Robert Downey Jr. on Inside the Actor's Studio and really, my life could be alot worse...it could involve black tar heroin. Worse...or better? (haha)

What else is going on...work is good, it was really busy for the last hour on wednesday and I got a little bit flustered but I think I did ok.

The problem with work is that I really like it. I'm feeling like I want someting big to look forward to, like a trip or a new job or something to distract me from moping but I really like this job and the people and everything and there is also the matter of having invested 2 years of my life in schooling for this kind of thing.

Also, has anyone ever gone to get their fortune told in toronto and had really scarily realistic results? I'm kind of thinking that it would be nice to at least be able to have a few more specifics than "it will all work out".

moi at 3:21 p.m.

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