
Pasty McDoesn'ttan

I'm rediculously hot right now.I just sat up on the roof with the gay men for like 45 minutes, baking myself in the sun and reading Michael Eisner's "Camp" which is making me tres tres nostalgic. While it's not about my actual camp(s), there is a certain class of camp where so many things are similar that you can see the reflection of your memories in their description.

Yesterday was day 1 of yet another attempt to not be lazy and lie in bed all day when I don't have to work until 5. I was pretty productive and did most of the stuff I would have spent a day off doing so today, on my actual day off, I stayed up all night (almost) watching random triathlon coverage online. I kind of wasn't tired until about 5am and I figured, hey, I'm relatively young, now's the time to be dumb and stay up almost all night. I've only stayed up through the whole night once (that I can remember), the summer I was 16 and working at camp.

The girl I'm training at work continues to be awesome so basically they are paying me to sit there and talk to her and hang out during her shift. Last night was super dead and I spent alot of the night looking at my reflection in the mirror in the lobby and deciding that I need new work shoes (I knew this, but seeing myself as others must see me really started to bug me for some reason) and perhaps a different colour of nylons, as the ones I have now (jockey "sand"), while certainly the tone of my flesh, are in no way flattering and serve only to highlight my pastyness.

In other news...my relationship with roomie has gotten to the point where we were actually in the same movie theatre at the same time on Friday night and didn't know we would both be there and had we run into each other I feel it would have been slightly awkward, for many reasons other than the fact that I thought she was leaving for her hometown earlier that evening. This saddens me.

I saw hairspray, which was awesome, and while waiting for Heather chatted with a sketched out dude waiting to see Transformers and maligning the fact that he wasn't able to watch the whole thing while High.I continue to sabotage weight loss efforts through new york fries.

After the movie let out we walked to the subway and it's remarkable what a difference a few blocks makes in terms of Toronto geography. Toronto is already, for those of you who don't know, kind of like that. The streets go from nice to sketchy to really sketchy to nice all in a matter of blocks. Somehow the sketchyness remains contained within it's non-tangible boundries and everyone gets along. While normally I walk along King to St. Andrew, with it's nice restaurants, gaping hole in the earth with excel style grid system and the homeless lady who has now seen me so often that she knows I will offer change if I have it, Friday we were on Richmond. While only a few blocks north, it was crazy. Police had blocked off a lane and were flashlight searching cars. Intersections were blocked with POS cars crammed with 15 hoochie dressed girls and one guy with a molester 'stash at the wheel. Yikes!

Saturday night after work I was drained from standing at the front desk for 3.5 hours and was seriously thinking about taking a cab home, but then there was a fire alarm in the building across from the hotel and a limo/taxi booster cable incident blocking a good portion of the intersection and I was reinvigorated. I managed to step right on to the street car and counselled some tourists about where they should get off the street car and onto the subway, which, because I'm a nerd, I like doing. Maybe I should work for the TTC.

Had interview #2 at the barn, went well but I think I was being a bit of a spazz, so we'll see.

Am still apartment hunting. Was thinking of going up to bay and bloor to check out the holt's sale and shoe company but it's too hot out so I'll go tomorrow since I don't have to work until 5 and other than laundry I'm caught up pretty well on chores.

I was feeling like I wouldn't make it this week with another 1 day off week, but I have today (sunday) off and then I'm off again on Wednesday because the weeks go Monday to Sunday on the schedule but Sunday to Saturday in real life, I only get 1 day off per week on the schedule but I really get 2 this week, if that makes sense.

I'm still waiting for something sufficiently fabulous to happen so that I can make an entry with the title "I wouldn't even walk down there, let alone unicycle!" which is the exact sentence that went through my head a few weeks ago on the way home from work.

moi at 2:04 p.m.

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