
Irrational Olderman Crush - Clive Owen

Yesterday started with a homeless dude calling me a stupid bitch on my way to the subway at 6am, continued with an ambush interview at work and an incident with me being an idiot and activating the wrong dryer resulting in only half of my clothes actually drying and ended with a rum and diet coke that was very light on diet coke, if you get my meaning.

Today has been considerably better, with a gym visit, cleaning my room, finding my old cell phone (not that I'll use it but it was driving me NUTS)and now watching The Bourne Identity with take out vietnemese food in my sweltering apartment.

I submitted the application for the apartment in the building so I'm just waiting to hear about if I'll need to get my parents to sign or what's going to happen with that. I've pretty much decided that I'm going to live here (in Toronto) for another year and then move somewhere to work at a fabulous resort somewhere rural. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know :)

mmmmm Clive Owen. I'd watch him read the phonebook.Also, Matt Damon, not usually overwhelming with hotness, is looking fine in this movie.

So mon/tues I worked 7-3, today off, tomorrow 5-10pm, Friday off, Saturday 11-7 and then Sunday night I'm on night audit. I'm hoping against hope that I'm off Tuesday/wed/thurs and can meet up with my parents at the cottage but we'll see :)

Not much going on but at the same time, life moves forward.

moi at 7:40 p.m.

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