
Bulk Waste Pick-Up

Not really alot going on, sorry for lack of updates everyone!

Work has been kind of crazy and despite me only spending 4 hours a day there it feels like my days are super busy. I've also been trying to get to the gym on a regular basis, half assedly packing up my room and stuff.

I'm so jealous of all the people on facebook with pictures of their summer travels while my pictures would involve the subway, the walk to work and the walk home from the subway.

Going back to hamilton this weekend for a dentist appointment (not fun, cavities suck) which will actually be nice (other than the dentist part) because I havn't been out of the city in quite some time. It's freaking hot here in the summer.

Last night there was a hot former hotel guest who stopped by...it made my night.

I'm watching Judge Alex. I wonder if these shows enhance my legal knowledge or just rot my brain.

moi at 1:28 p.m.

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