
Somewhat ironically, I look like a tomato

Quick update as I'm running some banners right now and don't want the new kids to think I'm one of those "once a week updaters". (hey regulars, don't tell them!)

I'm home and watching the US open tennis, rooting for Santoro vs. Blake but really I could care less. Blake is up 2 sets to 1 in the 4th, they're at 4/4 right now, in case anyone wants to date this blog for some reason. Like that episode of Studio 60. Did anyone else even watch that?

I'm sunburnt from taking one of those double decker bus tours of the city yesterday. Note to self, 3 hours on the top of a bus in a tank top with no sun screen means I'm an idiot. Today's part of the tour was in a trolly bus, the east/south loup of Toronto's more "ethnic" areas, which was sort of more interesting than yesterday's north/south loup of mostly touristy things. I'll say one thing though, I'm glad I don't drive in the city, traffic was nuts both days.

Got sent home early from work as they are more apt to do this now as opposed to when film festival is on and I'm basically living at work (more or less)...it would be sweet if I could *actually* live at work during film festival.

Today's hotel tip? If you get a rate online that seems way way too good to be true, double check what hotel you booked it at, there are websites out there that are built to purposely confused you about which hotel or which class of room you are booking.

Tomorrow I'm cooking up a storm in preparation of not having time next week to do much of anything at all between working all the time and starting to pack, etc etc.

It feels very very weird to not be going back to school. Oddly (or perhaps not really, for those who know the specifics of the locations involved) I still miss university 100 times more than I miss college.

Despite my working 40 hours a week, I am still classified as "part time" and therefore don't really get official holiday days, though I could definately ask for a few days off in a row, and I think I will definately be doing this in October. The cottage is lonely without me.

The city has been hot lately but is cooling off at night which is leading to some optimal sleeping conditions...which will bite me in the ass when I have to work at 7am on Sunday morning.

Saturday promises to be good though, with some streaming online triathlon action early in the morning and Andy Roddick on TV at some point during the day. Also a (hopefully) medium length period spent napping.

moi at 11:12 p.m.

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