
Day off. Woot Woot.

It's my day off and I'm lying in bed waiting for a time closer to noon so that I can head over to american apparel and get some of the actual tank tops I want, not the ones that I bought last time, which I thought were the ones I wanted but instead were the same crappy ones that shrink 18 sizes the minute you look at a glass of water.

Last night...epic. In fact, all of yesterday, epic.

It started at 545am when I woke up to head out to work my 7 to 3 shift. I worked with the "new" (she's been there about 2 months at this point but she's a bit like a goldfish in that at the start of every day you have to re-teach her everything she already knows just to make sure she's ready) girl, so I hung out at the front desk all day and generally relied on my common sense and ability to bullshit to get myself out of problems. It is always awkward though when I have to tell guests that someone else has to help them because I don't have a cash float because I don't technically work at front desk.

After work I took the subway up to museum station and thought I saw a boy I went on a date with once. He looked cute and so did I but I didn't stop to say hi, he was with a girl and I wouldn't have been easily explained. I was rocking out to the new Weakerthans album since I finally found the headphones that hook up to my phone and generally feeling pretty good about myself since it is finally cold enough to wear my beloved brand name and in no way "vintage" or "authentic" army coat.

I headed up to the "mink mile" (as they call it on the bus tours of toronto, which I think they definately made up themselves) and managed to do most of the shopping I needed to get done. I tend to spend minimal amounts of money for like a month and then buy everything I need at once...I have yet to decide if this is a more or less financially responsable strategy than buying things as I need them.

I went to the gap and found a pair of the jeans that I love in my size right on the top of the pile. Just sitting there like ... something sitting right out in the open. Plus the guy folding and refolding shirts noticed me trying to artfully slide one out from the bottom of the pile and he lifted the top of the pile for me so that I didn't topple it. I told the cash boy specifically that he helped me because I think they get little warm fuzzies or something from the manager if someone tells them that. Has anyone noticed that I buy alot of stuff from the GAP?

After that I headed to this random store by the library where they have wicker boxes with canvas/burlap liners on sale all the time. For some reason, I love those boxes. No idea why and they kind of don't go with the rest of my apartment (which is very black and white) but hey, there's no accounting for taste.

Hit the dollarama for some kitchen stuff (box of salt, $1? Sold!), went looking for second hand DVDs but havn't found copies of either Master and Commander, Gossford Park or History Boys yet.

Headed home and unpacked/set up. I think most of the stuff that has yet to be unpacked is because I don't really have anywhere to put it. I need a professional organizer to just come and do this for me. *le sigh.

Megan came over to watch the hockey game and we decided to order pizza during the pre-game show. I am going to mention that it was pizza hut, just because hey, word of mouth.

So I called the number (3101010...those jingles burrow into my brain like some kind of parasite) and ordered from this guy who sounded very confused that I was ordering pizza from him, despite him asking me for my order and offering me a variety of crusts. He made me spell my first and last name, which has never happened before when ordering pizza. Plus, since I'm kind of high maintenance when it comes to ordering pizza now (no sauce! I don't know my buzzer number!) I was kinda worried. So an hour later when we had no pizza I called back.

No record of an order with that phone number. SHUT UP! We want our pizza! (and cinneparts, if the truth be told).

So I get put on hold for a while and then talk to customer service (I use the term lightly) who call the store and yeah...no order. So they take my order again and we hope all is well.

Another hour goes by.

By this point it is almost 3 hours since I originally ordered. I've spent a fair deal of time on hold in addition to Megan going down to the lobby to investigate a car in the driveway with its four-ways on in the hopes it was our pizza guy.

So I call back to find out if the delivery guy is on his way because if he isn't we're making more meatballs and toast. An agent is nice enough to give me the actual phone number of the store where I get put on hold again (note: these people do NOT work at my hotel, their phone answer of "Pizza hut, hold on" and then 10 minutes of silence would NOT fly) and while I'm on hold, the pizza guy comes.

Now, we did get the pizza for half price (because at that point I just wanted to get it over with) but the arrival of our pizza coinsided with the begining of the leafs playing like a bunch of 6 year olds in hockey school so I think The Hut is off the agenda for the forseeable future. Or at least until the end of the season.

moi at 10:33 a.m.

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