
working for the man, every night and day

So I'm going to try (once again!) to get back into the habit of writing more often. Yay!

They are testing the fire alarm in my building today, of course, because I don't work until 3pm. I've been on mornings all week though so at least they didn't do it early this morning while I was sleeeeeeeeping.

Things that have happened recently:

I got actual full time status at work along with a pay raise, so that's exciting. It also comes with benefits (I think) which I have yet to exploit but am hoping they come with coverage for massages.

I'm meeting with a nutritional coach/personal trainer style woman next week I think, in an attempt to couteract the effects of having a job where I sit for 8 hours a day.

I'm loving the DVD by mail revolving door. I watched "the interpreter" which was intersting but I would have liked more of an intro about the workings of the UN or Nicole Kidman's character's schooling etc etc. But then again, I'm a nerd.

Without filling in details, there is very little that a concierge can not procure for a guest, even an annoying one.

Got home last night and discovered that the leafs game was on leafs tv, which I don't have. Recruited Matt to go to a bar to watch it but we somehow picked this bar (somehow...his choice..same thing!) where there was this girl's birthday party going on right in the middle of it. Now, I can understand that they don't want to turn people away, but we made it clear when we got there that we wanted to watch the game and the waitress didn't say boo about "this bar is going to be taken over by 40 people who have zero interest in the game. We would have returned another time but that night would have seen us somewhere a little more focused on the leaf's eventual shelaking of the penguins.


My cat from growing up died. And that's all I have to say about that.

moi at 12:39 p.m.

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