
M.A. (Cand.)

Just got home from a 12 hour day at work. I feel like this is somehow illegal but enh...it was fine actually.

Have come home to a plate of chicken and the leafs game and then an hour long "ace of cakes".

Tomorrow I'm meeting with my nutritionist/trainer lady which I'm excited about actually, especially since after sitting for 8 hours a day I feel rediculously sluggish.

It's the kind of weather outside that makes me excited to cuddle up in my bed and go to sleep. I'll wake up tomorrow and clean the apartment and then sunday I have totally to myself, plus hopefully some friends are coming over for the Amazing Race.

Also, not sure if I have mentioned this but I was accepted into a Master's program at athabasca university so I'm going to be doing that part time for the next few years...even today as I was reading this short little article that they have you read for an english assessment I was excited about it. So that is going to take up a fair slice of my free time in the next little while but I'm really excited about it. Now I just have to make the financial part of things work. Ugh.

Only diet coke is keeping me awake.

moi at 8:32 p.m.

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