
Christmas in the village

When we last left our intrepid heroine...

I ended up meeting up with shirley for Golden Griddle goodness (note...all drinks there are overpriced. Stick to water) and then back to my place for some TV watching.

Yesterday I waited for the subway for like 20 minutes and when it didn't come bailed and took the bus to work. If I had actually planned this and gone straight to the bus I could have taken advantage of the new booster juice just west of yonge...and honestly, the bus was basically just as fast as the subway. Work as good, busyish, and I came home to watch Dinner Impossible and then went to bed.

Things with Ricky are going well, he has realised that he needs to book me in advance and so we have a few things lined up over the next week or so, which is lovely.

Last night walking home from the subway the Hallowe'en festivities seemed less impressive than last year, alot of "throw on a wig and a short skirt" style costumes...which were still better than me "girl going home after working a 10 hour shift" get-up.

I got in touch with the trainer/nutritionist and so I'm now keeping a food journal. I actually eat pretty well since my mom stocked my fridge with a boatload of stuff from this natural food store in Hamilton and I really have no choice but to eat this weird bread that you have to keep in the fridge and peanut butter the consistency of spackle.

moi at 10:17 a.m.

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