
you know my naaaaaaame

I'm thinking of moving to blogster, just so everyone knows. I really can't justify paying for things that are free considering my somewhat limited personal economy at the moment, although since I've already paid for the next 2 months or something (I don't really remember) we'll see how that goes. Especially since I got a pay bump when I got moved to full time.

It's my day off and a workplace field trip to Ikea failed to materialize but I'm ok with that since the parents brought in a bunch of stuff when they came on Sunday.

I've been playing phone tag with this trainer/nutritionist all week (yet another stretch for the personal economy, that one, but necessary, lest my job where I sit for 8 hours a day turn me in to Brian Wilson).

I'm sitting at home watching the dvd of Casio Royale waiting for the repair people to come for the bathroom rennovation that has been deemed by management to be "not acceptable". Of course, they had to schedule it on my day off, which is lame. I'd rather just come home to it all being fixed.

In other news, there might be a new boy on the scene. We've decided to call him Ricky (through a hilarious misadventure of sorts) but believe me his actual name is pretty normal.
We went for an awesome breakfast yesterday and then he walked me to work, which was really nice and the weather is fabulous for such things right now...so yeah.

Last night at work featured interactions with a few E list celebs, which was interesting because one of them is actually craaaaaaazy and the other ones were cute as a button.

So today's plan is to spend no money (as always), make food for lunch/dinner tomorrow and the next day when I work 11-9 and 1-11 and take out the large amount of garbage I seem to have produced in the last 4 days. Al Gore would NOT be impressed.

moi at 8:57 a.m.

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