
did they think they were for decoration?!?!

So it turns out that I only misinterpreted the memo about the tills.
While it actually read "both tills are now out with 150$" I neglected to notice the "with" and read "both tills are now out 150$"

The resort is currently occupied 80% by a conference that I'm going to call "virtual communication strategies" because it's close enough to what it actually is.
Now, resort X is in the middle of nowhere but has wireless internet provided by a tower ontop of Lucie's house a few kilometers away. It's only rudimentary wireless though and is somewhat unreliable. Lonnie neglected to ask the virtual conference people about their technology needs and they have basically doubbled our electric bill (65 laptops) and killed the wireless.
We are bussing them to a local highschool tomorrow so that they can access the interenet.
The best part was the entire sales department claiming that no one thought that they were going to need the internet, despite knowing that they had laptops.
The set up for the group specified a power bar on each table which the porter did,but they had no power source! She didn't plug them into anything!
le sigh.
Louise is becoming increasingly hostile including looking for and applying for a new job on the work computer, which will soon be password protected and internet disabled.
Maybe with that distraction gone people will finally do some work. Today I cleaned out files and found about 1500 registration cards from 2005 in the "last 3 months" file. oh boy.

We're interviewing new night auditors tomorrow so that's good, get Krista some relief and maybe she'll stop bitching about how tired she is, though working nights would suck, of course.

moi at 11:26 a.m.

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