
the key to a good first impression-show up

ah...the drama.
I've been working with Joanne for a few days, who has newly been promoted to manager, and I like her alot more than I used to.

Louise's job search from company computers on company times has extended to asking Lucie, the rooms division manager who is on maternity leave, to act as a reference for her applications.
Krista has also alluded to quitting her job in the near future.

Joanne had 2 interviews lined up for a night auditor's job today but neither of them showed up, there's another one set up for tomorrow so hopefully they show up and take the job because they're on the schedule for next tuesday. eek.

Also, the restaurant manager who we shall call JJ is a total incompetant. I believe I have written previously about her getting Betsy in trouble by not doing her part of the job. This morning Susan in corporate came up for the second day in a row needed to check the room slips because the servers are calling in room charges and also posting them in the computer so guests are being charged twice. Additionally servers aren't checking for guest keys so when they can't read the name that the guest has signed on the bill they just guess at it and post it to a room that could be plausable and then leave it to front desk to make the guest pay it.

Additionally, the restaurant isn't setting things up for weddings when they are suposed to and when one of the people getting married is the daughter of a woman who has the ear of the general manager, things start cookin.
As far as I have been able to figure out, JJ doesn't actually have a boss, as the restaurant is part of the resort but not really.
All I know is that my friends who are restaurant managers could double that place's income in 6 weeks because they would actually do their job.

moi at 11:26 a.m.

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