
It's not like I out and out lied..I'm sure someone at some point had a good time...

Today actually went really really well. Kind of slow but enough work to keep us from getting bored.

Today I wrote a fake positive review for the resort so that all of the reviews on a review website weren't negative. I feel like this would reflect more negatively on the resort if they were found out than if I personally was somehow discovered.

Today's lesson is that you need to mention specials to get the special price. You need to ask lots of questions about the price breakdowns on packages. Basically, hotels will try to hide charges by doing things like charging extra for kids or "extra" people in the room, ask if the rate they quote you is for 1 adult in the room or 2, for example.

Some hotels will charge you half again the room price for having an extra person so that room that you think is 200$ a night will really cost you 300.
Ask the reservation agent to calculate the total final cost including taxes and write it down. Taxes that hotels have to charge often vary from regular retail merchendise, make sure you ask.

Ask if they offer discounts for automobile associations if you belong, it can't hurt. Ask if they have a loyalty program you can join, often there is no prior stay requirement and the loyalty program might get you money off your stay.

Above all, be friendly to the reservation agent. If you book a room and then find a special on the hotel's website by all means call and ask if they can ammend your rate but don't pretend to be a new reservation and then turn on the poor reservation agent when they confirm the special just because you weren't quoted that rate when you booked!

moi at 8:56 p.m.

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