
a soul measured in cents on the dollar

There is a fine line that must be walked when a guest makes a comment or suggestion about something negative concerning the resort about which I wholeheartedly agree and yet am forced to defend the soul-sucking organization with whom I am currently employed. Today was the weekly meeting of management types where they discuss sales for the upcoming week, guest complaints, upcoming special agendas etc. etc. Today the manager in charge of guest comments/complaints "forgot" to take them to the meeting so that the meeting would go faster. The manager in charge of financial reports "guesstimated" next week's figures resulting in our extension of a rediculously reduced package which was the subject of the earlier lesson in "mention the package to get the package". There was also no discussion of an issue of great import to the reservation agents, mainly:if management sets a rediculously low price at which we are to sell certain rooms, do we get regular commission on those rooms or no commission at all as is the way of things when we normally get less than the highest possible price for a room. Someone asked me tonight why I don't just find a new job.
There are a few reasons, really. I am actually getting alot of experience in my current position as well as it being impressive on a resume and me needing/wanting the reference for my upcoming internship at school.

The other issue is that if I quit before labour day I don't get my august commissions. Commission isn't calculated until the guest actually stays at the resort so while I don't make any commission off of reservations that I make for september because I won't be employed there at the end of september, I stand to make a fair amount of money for my august commissions which, seeing as my bi-monthy cheques basically max out at 600$ will be a welcome addition to my bank account.

As an example, my bonus cheque for may, where I only worked half the month worked out to 30$ in sundays revenue (5$ for every sunday reservation made) and 60 some odd dollars in actual commission. Lucie said that she often got cheques in the summer for over 800$ so it's basically like an extra pay every month.

Additionally the company is taking vacation pay out of every cheque so by the end of the summer I calculate that they will owe me about 200$ from that.

On tuesday I'll spend a good hour printing off all of my sunday reservations for July, of which I hope there will be a great many.

And with every confirmation printed off, I will reclaim a small portion of my soul.

moi at 11:12 p.m.

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