
I'm horrible at math..can someone do the actual calculation?

We suprisingly got our commission cheques the other day.
Mine was 369 or so dollars after deductions, a total I at first considered rather unimpressive but others, including management, are viewing with an incredulous gaze.

By my calculations this means that I've brought in roughly 60,000$ to the company, earning 5% on each full rate reservation, 2.5% on each discounted reservation and 5$ for each Sunday reservation in the month of June.

I anticipate doing much better for July.

No serious issues today, just the usual people being indecisive as well as people who claim to have been looking at the rooms and prices on the website who then act shocked when we tell them how much the room they want is going to cost them.

The situation between Krista and Jonathan is getting increasingly hostile with their court date monday looming.

I only get one day off next week but work a 4 hour day in the middle of the week to make up for it and really, it's just an opportunity to make more money.

moi at 6:53 p.m.

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