
are you going bald? apperently not.

I'm at school just before my special events planning class. It's either going to be medicore or a disaster (ok..I can't spell, sorry). We have a group of 15 people, which is rather unweidly. The problem is that if you're organizing an event you can do it with fewer people as long as they are committed but because this is a class people basically don't care. My idea of shaving heads for cancer has basically been rejected, despite it being the only idea, which is actually fine with me because I have a feeling it wouldnt have gone as well as my previous run at it which I organized at my cultish university and which ended up raising almost 11,000$.

The other problem is that we aren't being given any class time to work on the project even though it is 40% of our mark, so we need to find a time outside of class where everyone can meet. I emailed everyone the group email address and stuff but I'm not sure if it went through.
I'm co-team leader with a girl who I don't know very well but whom I like and seems competant, so thats good. My problem is that I have very little in common with most of the people at this school so I don't really know what would work or what wouldn't. We have lots of little ideas to make money but no ideas for one big event.
Hopefully, that changes soon :)

moi at 11:07 a.m.

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