
apperently I'm interested in the packaging aspects of food service

Not much going on today.
Had a fire alarm in my Starting your own Business class but still managed to hand in my assignment and get reamed out by the prof for the class average of 63 before he figured out that he programed the scantron answer key wrong.

Got fun mail today, an invitation to this fancy pants awards dinner on the 14th so that's fun.

Also got mail telling me that I won 3 awards at school so I have to go to that ceremony on the 24th. There might be some money involved, so that would be good. I also won the president's letter for winter semester last year, even though, somewhat ironically, I decided before finals that I didn't want the stress of trying for it (the president's letter goes to the student with the highest average for the semester).

Hmmm, what else. Came home and roomie had been sufering emotional distress so she cleaned my room (seriously, she rocks).

My Starting your own Business prof is being annoying. He lectures straight out of the text book and then gives examples contrary to the examples used in the text. Le sigh.

He also didn't immediately have us evacuate when the "time to evacuate" alarm came on.

In other news, I'm leaving from school tomorrow to head home for the holidays (hey americans, monday is thanksgiving up here. yeah, us crazy canucks, eh?) so there will no doubt be fun family stories come monday.

Thats about it for now I think.

Happy Turkey Day!

moi at 10:13 p.m.

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