
a series of interconnected tunnels, like the viet cong!

At school on a totally annoying keyboard (why are they all stiff like?)

I can feel my carpels tunneling as we speak.

Right now I am waiting for this taiwanese girl who I peer tutor to show up so that I can go over an assignment for her. Then I have HR class where I have a project due next week which I have only vaguely started. Then I have a 2 hour break during which I have to meet with my special events group about our proposal re-submission that is due friday as well as compile data from a marketing survey that my group did last week. Then I have the marketing class where we shall present the data. Then I have a meeting of the Canadian Association of Food Service Professionals, of which I will probably be pressured into taking an executive position. Then I have a 2 hour training session about learning styles for peer tutoring which is supposed to end around 730 or so. then an hour and a bit to get back home. then im done for the day.

Tomorrow I have 2 tests, one in revenue management which is going to be a pain in the assmar and one in starting your own business which is a course taught by this guy who is a total idiot.

Friday is semi normal, just the proposal resubmission

Saturday I have a fancy awards thing to go to for which I will sort of underdressed but honestly, what kind of outfit goes from awards presentation to reception to black tie ("with a bit of sparkle" or so claims the invite) sit down dinner?

Sunday roomie has invited some random asian people over for a pseudo thanksgiving dinner and then my friends are coming over to watch the amazing race.

Monday roomie and I are being social with the girls who live across the hall from us

moi at 12:31 p.m.

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