
I loves me some MJ (no, not pot! well....no, not pot)

ok, I have secured a much better keyboard in the super busy lab on campus.

Just finished a revenue management test [basics of revenue management: when lots of people want to buy your thing, charge them more] which I think went ok. I spaced on one part that I only barely studied and guessed on a few of the multiple choice (which I suck at anyway).

Evidence of my standing in my classes: after I hand in my test the prof asks me if I thought it was ok, if it was a fair test of the material etc etc.

This class is also interesting because I take notes for a girl with a hand issue but who also (in my opinion) has some kind of very mild mental impairment, either resulting from her socialization as a disabled child or due to whatever causes her physical problems. So I have been spending a lot of extra time with her pseudo-peer tutoring.

Yesterday's marathon was complicated by my ipod mini's battery dying before I got home and therefore not being able to drift away in a weakerthans/pixies/wedding crashers soundtrack induced semi-consciousness.

Got home and roomie had dinner ready (luxury!) and although she thought it was bad I thought it was yummy so yay, more dang quesadillas for me :)

I had harvey's for breakfast with a girl in my class who had her homefries with katsup and mayo. I think that has pretty much killed any craving I would ever have to go to harvey's again. Thanks Natalia!

So today I have finished my revenue management test and am killing time until my Starting Your Own Business quiz on franchising at (I think) 12:40. We will be getting another quiz and the first part of our projects back, so thats good. Tonight I need to work on our group's proposal for the beach party (which better go through or I'm going to be seriously peeved, seeing as they made it seem like the only problem was that the proposal didn't have enough detail).

Then I'm heading home and one of several things could happen:
-I get home, go to the gym and don't do any homework, leaving the proposal to be completed in the hour between my morning class and my special events class tomorrow.

-I get home, go to the gym and then start working only to be interrupted by dinner and whatever is on tv tonight

-I get home, roomie is still sick and decides that she doesn't want to cook and we decide to go out for dinner and I wear my fabulous new coat and convince her to go to this pub that apparently has amazing nachos and they are (by some miracle) showing the leafs game that we don't get in the apartment tonight and I get no work done

-home....nothing nothing nothing nothing.

Note how many of these possible senarios end with kate not doing her homework. That's right.

Oh, and I just put an order in for croc mary janes. I'm such a nerd.

moi at 10:51 a.m.

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