
as predicted...sloth

Guess which senario ensued on thursday...that's right. Got home then..nothing nothing nothing.


Friday was pretty normal, went to school, handed in the proposal for our special event [again]. Found out that although our proposal was rejected/needed to be resubmitted we should have been going ahead as though our project was approved. oops.

Today I slept until 630 and then on and off until 11. woah lazy style. I'm half assedly working on finding the 8000 rates I need for my rate plan assignment for revenue management. ok, it's more quarterassedly.

At some point soonish I'll start getting ready for this dinner thing tonight...I had brief thoughts of some random shopping tomorrow if I got lots of homework done but I a) can't think of anything I want/need and 2) I won't be getting enough homework done.

This is exactly the kind of assignment I would be enlisting the help of a boyfriend and offering up some kind of excellent reward.

moi at 12:44 p.m.

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