
"checked it with my coat" "wow..they give the scholarships to the right people!"

Last night was fancy awards dinner night, which I will now attempt to chronicle in excruciating detail.

The day was spent trying to do homework (well, ok. I slept till 11ish and then did nothing until 1). I decided that instead of doing the annoying major portion of my revenue management assignment I would just do the little easy parts of all my assignments and get them done so that I only had the annoying stuff left to do when I'm stuck peer tutoring in the computer lab on Monday.

Roomie got home from grocery shopping at 330 and graciously helped/bullied me into getting ready.

******please note, amateur psychoanalysis sections will be denoted by an asterix break. ******

I think that a lot of my unwillingness to learn how to do girlie stuff (aka makeup, put outfits together etc) comes from my mother's instance on that kind of stuff and my desire to tell her to shove it up her ass and leave me alone. Also...I'm sure everyone knows someone who comments on every other person that they come in contact slyly and under their breath ("Isn't that interesting, she's a manager and she wears that many rings on her hands"). That woman is my mother. And when you grow up around that you start to think that is how everyone in the world is and you get somewhat paranoid that everyone is constantly judging you when, truth be told, they really couldn't care less. Unless it's me you see across the street. In that case, they ARE probably judging you. But I blame my mother.

*******end of amateur psychoanalysis*******

So I got dressed, make up etc etc. I can not understate the importance of roomie in this happening. Honestly. And I was out the door at 440. Had to be at the hotel at 5 so it was good timing. Hailed a taxi (which makes me feel very grown up, despite the fact I'm 23 and am essentially, for demographic purposes anyway, an actual grown up) and headed on over. Arrived and ran into my friends from school who were volunteering which was lucky because without them I wouldn't have known where to go for the awards part of the evening (they had gone to the wrong place, which is the only way they even found it). Went to the awards room and sat next to a very tall girl in some major heels. She was from BC and I think didn't really know what to do with me, a sparkplug of a girl who will talk to anyone. So I got my award (a lovely framed certificate) and then headed down to the reception.

*****break for discussion of etiquette*****
Ok, so if you have seen A League of Their Own or ever read an etiquette book you will know that the (apparently) proper way to cross your legs is to anchor on foot on the ground and cross the other behind it. Despite this, the "at the knee" crossing is much more popular among people in the real world. I actually can't do this for more than 20 seconds (10 years of horseback riding means my muscles are weirdly out of proportion) Anyway, tall girl (Amanda, I believe) did the knee cross to perfection and I was jealous, but took comfort in my knowledge that I actually do it "correctly". Or what I have convinced myself is correctly, at any rate.
**********end of etiquette break*********

So I went down to the reception and checked my coat (the fabulous gap army inspired number detailed in previous entries) as well as my award, which the lady thought was strange but I convinced her was totally the thing to do. While waiting in line other award recipients asked me where my award was and I told them that I checked it with my coat. They pronounced me a genius. Then I stood in line and gave in my ticket, I was at table 39. I had been told ahead of time that I would be sitting with the people who gave the money for my award so I was all prepared to sit with the T0ronto Hydro people. I even had conversation prepared (my papa used to work at hydro, etc etc) but for some reason I ended up at the table of the company who makes smilie fries (me using code is nothing but hubris and my belief that so many people read this that I need to maintain some level of vagueness. It's a joke). Also at the table was a girl who won a different award and her mom.

Dinner was good but it was way too long between courses because they had a live auction and dancing and stuff. I'm firmly of the opinion that they should do that kind of stuff AFTER the dinner so that your getting food isn't dependant on listening to a girl (who I later ran into outside smoking) sing Lady Marmelade.

Dinner started at 730 and we got dessert at 11. My line karma kicked in and we were the last table to get served at every course and sometimes even totally forgotten...which was awesome. Especially when it didn't hamper the drink consumption of my late 40s/early 50s age table mates. Drunken people my parent's age are the best! (note, dripping sarcasm).

Soup: Butternut squash with apples and chestnuts. (If you know me, you will know my opinion of a soup with so much in it so as to almost be a stew) (if you don't...the only thing I hate more than soup is stew).

Salad: Arugala with duck prochuto and chevre (sorry, spell check isn�t giving me anything to work with for those ones). Very yummy.

Main: Tenderloin (actually good, and I don't like steak as a rule) , a GIANT shrimp (yummy), grilled veggies and couscous (enh...mashed potatoes would have been better).

Cheese plate: A honkin lot of cheese that I really wanted to bring home but didn't because I was dumb and took a small (though fabulous) purse and no ziplock baggies.

Dessert: Chocolate pyramid of mouse type stuff (yummy and similar to the chocolate pyramid of mouse type stuff you get at the keg but covered in cocoa) and mango ice cream (enh).

I then got the rock out of there as my feet were hurting and I'm not big on staying awake somewhere without coke products readily available.

The random girl who was at the table with us ended up winning a $9000 trip to anywhere in the world. She was about as excited as I would be if roomie came home with a 6 pack of mini diet cokes (which is to say, mildly but in no way appropriate to the actual event). I would have gone OUT OF MY MIND. But, to each their own.

I also met the prof from my faculty who teaches the first year accounting course who wants me to go to her class and introduce myself so that the kids who need a peer tutor aren't scared to get one.

Oh, and I had my picture taken with the faculty who were there. My eyes are closed, of course. DAMMIT, of all of my short comings, my inability to keep my eyes open in pictures is actually one that bothers me.

This morning I woke up at 715, read in bed for a while and then watched Dirty Jobs. Went to starbucks and got a mochafrappachino and a pumpkin cream cheese muffin and went for a wee walkabout then came home. I then felt the need for retail but sadly nothing is open at 9am on a Sunday (don't these people want to make money?!?! Haha) so I am undecided as to if I will go out again or if I will just stay in, save my money, watch a "Disorderly Behavior:Caught on Tape" marathon on spike and randomly do bits of homework that in now way get me any closer to having anything substantial done.

I found some random jeans in my drawer that I don't remember buying or wearing before that I really like on me because they are the size I usually wear but are quite baggy. I'm head to toe in GAP today, and I rather like it.

moi at 11:10 a.m.

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