
ennui is my middle name

I'm writing this on the new ie7, so far I am impressed. I can see how it would look really great on one of those really clear laptop screens...it's a bit fuzzy on mine but hey, what can you do?

Today was one of those days where you just want your significant other to come and sit with you while you do your work so that you can look over at them and know that at least 1 person out there thinks you are something special.

This morning I handed in my revenue management assignment and, although I knew things I could do to go the extra mile, I didn't bother. That always makes me a little bit mad at myself after, especially since, as time goes by, I think I did less and less well on the test.

I then spent an hour hard-core working on my starting your own business assignment on fiesability. College has this system where you send something to the printer and then have to go over to another computer and tell it that you actually want it to print. Good in theory but when someone is printing 2 copies of their entire course worth of power points, things tend to get backed up.

I arrived a few moments late to class to find out that a mutiny had started. The prof (a nice enough guy but not a good teacher) had, after everyone arrived, decided that we could have another week for our assignment that everyone had already completed. Frankly I didn't really care but some people get quite upset about stuff like that. Especially since he presented it in a confrontational way as opposed to being a nice guy about it and offering bonus marks or something.

After a dreadfully boring class where attendance was sparse, at best, the prof asked me if I would work with an ESL student in my class. I mean, yes, I get good marks and work hard and am friendly, but I only have so much time. Plus, I am meeting with the first year accounting students next week to encourage them to get a peer tutor if they need one.

My friend and I went to see our co-coordinator about the business prof and there is going to be a big meeting at some point. Should be fun :s

I'm working on my marketing assignment, which is actually going ok, and made a loaf of banana/chocolate chip/banana loaf and have been sitting here wondering why I don't have a boyfriend.
oh, and leave me a comment or a note if you're reading, it's always nice to know where people are from and how they found me :)

moi at 8:07 p.m.

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