
"hey baby, want to jump out of my cake?"

sorry for the delayed update, a weekend at the cottage with out the computer makes it hard to access the internet ;)

So let's see, where were we.

Friday went well enough, woke up, went to school, had marketing, sat around, had my events class (our proposal finally got approval so yay!)

Major project due in marketing...I handed in a non-spell checked version as opposed to the final draft (I was really agitated thursday night for some reason and was barely holding it together with this assignment)but I went right after class and printed the right one out and threw myself on the mercy of the teacher. The project was due at the start of class but I had been in class the whole time and it was only like 28 minutes after the end of class so he decided that I couldn't have changed it that much and accepted it (thank GOODNESS). There are definately times when being a good student works in my favour. It also didn't hurt that the co-ordinator was in his office and we were talking all about my awards dinner on saturday.

When I got to events class I told the teacher that I had to leave early and he said that the last half hour of the class was the peer evaluation which was worth 10% of our mark and if you weren't here for it you didn't get a mark. My parents were supposed to call my cell when they were about 5 minutes away sometime between 130 and 2 (class ended at 230) so bascially the prof, who I always thought kind of didn't like me, condenced the material so that we could all leave at like 145 which worked out perfectly with the pick up.

My parents had a super busy week so the drive down was a bit strained, including me trying not to say anything that could be taken the wrong way (which usually results in me doing just that) but everything went ok.

Got to the cottage (which was freezing) and basically everyone went to bed at like 9pm.

Saturday went in to town with mom and had a really good time in a second hand clothing store there, so that was nice. Didn't buy anything but it was fun to look around and stuff.

Saturday afternoon my mom's parents and my great aunt came over to the cottage. My great aunt is hilarious and basically didn't let my nana get a word in edge wise the whole time they were here.

My mom was upset because our neighbours are basically walking away from their cottage because of the husband's crazy family. My mom is a very social person, so that sucks for her.

Saturday night we all went out for dinner at this little restaurant in town, which was ok. They were really really busy so service kind of sucked but whatever.

No naked pictures of gwenyth paltrow.

Sunday we woke up and were on the road at 920 but made a rather lengthy stop at a winery on the way home so we didn't get to Toronto until 1230. Since the DVP was closed the parents dropped me at yorkdale and I took the subway home, stoping to get fish for dinner.

Got home and started hardcore working on my HR assignment. Roomie came home and made dinner (mucho yummy) and the amazing race party began.

Monday I woke up early to head to school and work on my project (due at 1145) since I had to be in the lab anyway.
Got to the lab and actually think I did pretty well on the assignment. We shall see though.

Got home eventually and was pretty productive, doing some minor homework, making muffins (that I ended up using baking soda instead of baking powder.....crap!) and getting to bed early. I had to pack a gym bag for today with my fancy outfit, which necesitated some ironing. ugh.

Also, our apartment building has minimal hot water but I really needed a shower so I screwed up my gumption and went for it. I felt like I might never be warm again. I wanted to blow dry my entire body.

I woke up at midnight and was convinced that it was time to wake up and that my clock was broken again. I was SO mad that I couldn't go back to sleep. But then I saw roomie still up doing homework and got super excited to snuggle back into bed.

Woke up this morning, came to school (freezing cold, might I ad) and aquisitioned a locker for my gym bag. Technically you're supposed to sign up and pay $75 for a locker per semester, but almost no one does, and I only needed it for the day so I just put a lock on one and bob's your uncle!

Went to my law class (statues, anyone?) and got an 85% on my test (enh...not too bad seeing as I didn't really study).
It cheesed me off that I felt like I could have argued for one question to infact be false though the prof said it was true, but he had incorrectly marked another question so it would be been a bit of a zero sum game.

if anyone cares: "Federal legislation becomes law after it has passed both houses of parliament" is apperently true, but I feel that the question is worded in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that the question considers this to be the only criteria required to make a law, which is not true (approval by the GG would be the other step). Am I right? Anyone?

After that I went to a meeting about my internship next semester. Good information, I think I'm going to go meet with the lady but sadly there are no spots that are jumping out at me yet.

Now I'm in the computer lab until the awards reception starts at like 6 tonight.


oh,and a homeless guy who has a cup on a crudely fashioned fishing pole asked me to help him celebrate his birthday.

Monday was a good day :)

moi at 1:15 p.m.

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