
word of the day:vexation

ugh. Just....ugh.

Since we last saw our hero (slash...me):

Wednesday was uneventfull, as far as I can remember. I stayed after school to peer tutor a girl who is also in my law class and got busted by the peer tutoring secretary for tutoring in the hall.

Thursday was also somewhat uneventful. Had revenue management in the morning and was basically spoon fed the major assignment, which is writing what basically amounts to an article responce, yay for me and my double arts major.

Starting your own business consisted of the prof going over all of the tests we have taken up until this point and Devin and I doing a jeopardy style show down to keep ourselves engaged. It barely worked.

My tutee who I was supposed to meet at 3pm texted to cancel, which was lucky because class was done at 2 so I would have had to wait around for an hour to meet with her.

Headed home and bought a cordless phone (harder to find than one would think) but roomie and I have deduced that it is a problem with the line and not the actual phone which is causing us such vexation (my word of the day, by the way). Basically did nothing last night, tidied up a bit, watched the mercer report and Canada's worst driver online, talked to connor and went to bed.

I woke up this morning (friday) at 6:50 and headed out to school for my marathon day.
The day should have looked like this:

Wake up. Head to school. Marketing class at 9am until 1050. Break 1050 to 1140. Events class at 1140 until 2ish. Peer tutor 3-5. Meet group at 545 to start decorating for our beach night party thing tonight. 9-1am beach party. 1-140 be in a cab on the way home. 2am -fall into bed.

So far, it has gone thusly:

Wake up at 650. Get on subway, then bus. Just before highway 27 and airport road (about 75 minutes after I left home) realise that I forgot the raptor's tickets that we are raffling off tonight at the event. Run through senarios including canceling peer tutoring and trying to get home and back in that time block but eventually decide to just skip marketing class, go directly home and then come back to school. Get off the northbound bus, cross the street, get on the southbound bus. 90 minutes later, walking down wellesley, realise that since we have been selling tickets since a few weeks ago there is a good chance that the person who wins the tickets isn't even going to be at the event. Curse loudly and in a manner making people think that I am a crazy person. Go up to the apartment, grab tickets and camera, return to bus.

so I'm back at school. It's 1055 am.

I'm excited for the rest of the day, frankly, I'm a sucker for rediculous stories that I can tell people.

Tomorrow's plan (hear that? That's the sound of God laughing at my plans) is to wake up at 9, pack up all of my real world clothes and head over to the image consultant whom my mother has engaged and spend 4 hours having my colours "done" and my wardrobe evaluated.

Plus, yesterday my phone rang and since I don't have caller ID, it's always a suprise who is going to be on the other end of the line. Yesterday it was a recruiter at the Royal York offering me an interview for an internship position, so now that's Tuesday, necessitating yet another marathon peer tutoring reschedulement session.

But still, yay.

moi at 10:41 a.m.

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