
is party a verb if no one is partying?

Remember, the word of the day means ALL day.

So we get to the bar and it's locked. We were told that we could go in any time after 5 and they were informed that we would definately be there before 6. Still, locked.

So I called security and basically sweet talked them into opening the bar so that we could decorate.

The decorations that we had were really good, but there just was so much space to decorate, I don't think (and I know that I certainly didn't realise) that we realised how much space there would be to decorate. Probably should have actually looked at the location first...

So we decorated as best we could, changed into our summer wear and then our prof came at 830 to do the pre-event evaluation. By 11pm we had about 40 people come through the doors. 40! At least 100 people had said that they were coming. It was pretty much the lamest party ever, but we did our best, so I'm ok with it.

(there is actually way more to this story, but since this blog is linked through my facebook profile, I don't feel like detailing everything that happened because of who might end up reading it, but if you want details just comment and ask :) )

So I ended up getting home around 1am and then stayed up until 3ish because I was still kind of wound up from the "party".

Saturday I woke up and packed the rest of my "nice" clothes and went off to my appointment at the image consultant whom my mother has engaged to both evaluate her services as well as to test her suitability for running workshops for my mom's company.

I then basically got told that everything I own looks like crap. For 5 hours. So that was dissapointing, although I pretty much already knew that, it makes me feel like not leaving the house because now I think I always look like crap. *le sigh. There is a girl in my class at school who has pretty much the same body type as me and always looks really good. Colour me green.

I had made plans to go directly from the image lady to connor's to have a nap before we went and hung out somewhere but the image thing went way longer than I thought it would so I went home to drop my bags off and then met connor at union station and we hung out at starbucks for a couple of hours. It was my second starbucks of the day and I'd only eaten a croisant and a cookie by the end of it. Oh, and 2 mochafrappachinos. Le sigh.

So we then walked through union station, bought wine, and went to connor's to hang out because he was supposed to meet up with a friend of his to go to some party being held by a VP at his work. Wine + Kate + No food or liquids all day + extreme fatigue = Kate feels sick and makes connor worry about her. Which sucked...and I felt like death.

Met roomie for sushi/bento box dinner and also apperently looked like death, as roomie kept imploring me not to die.

came home and collapsed into bed.

woke up this morning at 8 to watch dirty jobs. Then read for a bit, had a shower and have been cleaning my room and the kitchen and the apartment generally since then.

I have so much homework to do, but the only thing actually due this week is due friday and I can't do it until my group gives me the surveys I am supposed to create a report about.

So now I'm eating PC Blue Label mexican rice stuff from a box and watching "How Not To Decorate".

We're going out for dinner with Roomie's mom tonight (sushi again) and then having the amazing race viewing tonight.

moi at 1:25 p.m.

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